Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Lessons from Yo Yo Ma

Yo Yo Ma. Brilliant, thoughtful, and profound. Such a joy to hear, be around, and perform with. Here are some lessons from an opportunity to play in the orchestra with him as the soloist:

  1. If two people have sympathy for one another, they can play well together. 
  2. Musicians are all a little crazy. He invited us to "all be crazy together!"
  3. Music from Dvorak's time period had to be led from the bass. The bass creates the earth so others can swim on the surface or soar through the sky. This can't happen without the bass.
  4. He told the orchestra, "Don't be afraid of covering me up!" This creates an important tension between the soloist and the orchestra.
  5. Connection is more important than music. The music is just a tool. This connection exists both between performers, and between the performers and the audience. Everyone in the hall could sense his generosity of spirit.
  6. He transcends technique. His body does what his mind hears, and that doesn't always look like what the method books model.
  7. The work has to be done before the connection can happen, and he has done this work.

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